Al-Tabtabae threatens Kuwaiti ministers of health, education


Speaking to reporters yesterday, Al-Tabtabae described Al-Mubarak as a ‘contradicting’ minister in view of the deteriorating health services since she took office. "It seems that this ministry is a heavy burden for her," he stressed adding that, unlike her performance in the Ministry of Communications, Al-Mubarak had shown complete incompetence since becoming minister of health.



Lawmakers wanted to cooperate with her but she showed no response in this regard," he added pointing out that the main elements of her grilling motion were being prepared and backed up with documents that prove the minster’s involvement even in some forgery cases concerning the treatment abroad issue.



On the other hand, Al-Tabtabae said that it was premature to judge the performance of Al-Sabeeh. "However, we consider the dismissal of the previous directors of the Jahra directorate and the capital educational directorate were a great loss to the educational sector in general," he remarked expressing hopes that the new ones would be of the same caliber. Al-Tabtabae concluded that Al-Sabeeh was highly experienced in educational matters and expressed his hopes that she would not resort to settling any old scores with previous administrations.


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