Anti-terror protocol endorsed in Saudi Arabia


The weekly Cabinet meeting made this comment while discussing Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah’s keynote speech on Saturday at the Shoura Council which reflected his strategic vision. “Saudi Arabia is an Islamic state that adheres to Shariah and its values such as justice, tolerance and peace. It treats its citizens equally and seeks to maximize economic returns from its natural resources,” the Cabinet said.


King Abdullah, in his speech, emphasized the importance of questioning government officials. “Holding officials (who have been assigned to serve citizens) accountable is essential,” the Cabinet said, quoting the king’s annual address. The Cabinet meeting praised the king’s determination to root out terrorism from the country.


The Cabinet endorsed the protocol for security cooperation between governments of countries neighboring Iraq in order to combat terror, intrusion and organized crime. Under the accord, Iraq’s neighbors will not allow their territories to be used as platforms for planning, organizing and executing terrorist operations or for instigating or promoting such crimes.


All signatories will enact regulations, set up monitoring systems and tighten security on their borders as well as at land, air and sea entry points to prevent intrusion and smuggling.


Culture and Information Minister Iyad Madani said that King Abdullah briefed the ministers on the outcome of his talks with Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov in Riyadh on Sunday as well as his contacts with world leaders during the past week. Saudi Arabia and Turkmenistan signed a general cooperation agreement.


The Cabinet authorized the president of the General Authority for Civil Aviation to sign an agreement with Japan in air transportation. It approved another accord with Tokyo for political consultation between the two foreign ministries.

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