The source, answering a question over the position of the Arabs vis-a-vis the recent UN resolution against Iran, said the issue was not listed on the agenda.
But he said the crucial issue might come up during sideline meetings of the Arab leaders in order to take practical steps to clearing the Middle East region from weapons of mass destruction (WMD). The new UN resolution toughened penalties against Iran for failing to suspend uranium enrichment.
The source said the foreign ministers, in their draft resolutions, called for holding an urgent foreign ministers’ meeting to assess efforts of Arab countries to clear the Middle East region from nuclear weapons and WMD.
The draft resolutions called for creating a new approach to deal with the Israeli policy to end vagueness that covered its nuclear program over the past years.
They proposed suspension of the meetings of a technical committee tasked with preparing a treaty to clearing the Middle East from WMD and nuclear weapons while the Arab policy over this issue is being assessed.
The draft resolutions called for expansion in the peaceful use of nuclear energy in the Arab countries through establishment of national authorities to monitor use of nuclear energy in a transparent manner.
They have also called for building nuclear reactors to be used for scientific research, and expanding usage in educational, economic and medical activities.
The source said the foreign ministers, meanwhile, reiterated commitment to the Arab peace initiative, approved by Arab leaders in Beirut in 2002, and called on the Quartet and the UN Security Council (UNSC) and all parties concerned to immediately resume the peace process based on relevant UN resolutions, the land-for-peace principle, the Arab peace initiative and the roadmap.
The initiative, based on UN resolutions, offers normalization of relations with Israel in return of the release of all Arab territories, occupied by the Jewish state in 1967 in a bid to end the Arab-Israeli conflict.
The foreign ministers said lasting and just peace in the Middle East should be achieved through direct negotiations between the conflicting parties.
They rejected Israeli unilateral measures in the Arab territories occupied in 1967.
The draft resolutions called for providing USD 150 million in extra funding for the Aqsa fund and Aqsa intifadha.
On Iraq, the top diplomats acknowledged that any political and security resolution for the problems in Iraq should be based on non-interference in its internal affairs.
They said the solutions to the political and security problems should abort sectarian discord and terrorism.
The draft resolution over Iraq emphasized that the Iraqi cabinet should be a genuine government of national unity, and the political leaders should carry a big burden to activate national conciliation.
The foreign ministers said it was important to equally distribute national resources on all Iraqis, and the need to train and equip qualified military and security forces to ultimately bring about withdrawal of foreign troops.
Regarding Lebanon, the draft resolutions underlined importance of disclosing perpetrators of those who killed the former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in February 2005, and to bring the killers before an international court which should be formed "in line with a system approved by the Lebanese." This, showed the draft resolutions, would achieve justice and boost faith of the Lebanese people in freedom, democracy and the strengthening of security and stability in the region.
They emphasized the support of the Arab countries to Lebanon to practice its own political options in a sovereign manner, as well as establishing relations with friendly and brotherly countries on the basis of mutual understanding and respect of sovereignty.
They also called for the release of the Lebanese prisoners in Israeli jails, calling on all Lebanese parties to iron out differences to abort any attempt undermining the security and stability of Lebanon.
The foreign ministers also blessed an Egyptian proposal to hold consultative summits whenever necessary.
On terrorism, the ministers called for further activating the Arab anti-terrorism accord and need of a collective cooperation between Arab, regional and international organizations in the fight against terrorism.