Arab group urges voting in UN Gen.Assembly on Goldstone report


The resolution calls on Israel and the Palestinians to initiate independent investigations into the alleged war crimes, and requires UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to report back to the General Assembly on the progress of the resolution in three months.

Justice Richard Goldstone, a former South African judge, was appointed by the UN to conduct a study on the alleged violations of international human rights laws last December and January in Gaza Strip.

Earlier, Kuwait called here for the implementation of the recommendations of the Goldstone report on the Israeli crimes against civilians in Gaza, and stressed its condemnation of Israeli ongoing settlement actions.

Last night, speaking at the 64th session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly session, Kuwait’s Acting Charge de Affairs to the UN Khalaf Bu Dhuhair called on member states to work together to implement the recommendations contained in the report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission into the Gaza Conflict and to support the draft Arab resolution which is considered a step in the right direction to counter injustice and aggression.

"Kuwait wishes to extend its utmost appreciation and abundant gratitude to Judge Richard Goldstone and his working group on presenting a professional and factual report, which clearly shows the brutal Israeli practices against the inhabitants of Gaza, who endured a frightful nightmare for a period of three weeks, and resulted in the demise of 1,400 martyrs and left over 5,000 displaced and injured," Bu Dhuhair added.


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