Arab Summit in Kuwait to discuss Gaza reconstruction


Abul Hasan said Arab leaders would discuss the situation in the Gaza Strip at the summit. “It is only logical and natural that Gaza will be at the heart of the Kuwait summit, despite the cease-fire,” said the Kuwaiti official, adding that the leaders would discuss how to unify the Arab position and intensify relief and reconstruction efforts.

Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah arrived in Kuwait City yesterday, leading the Saudi delegation to the summit.

“Given the prevalent challenges, particularly the aftermath of the global financial meltdown, the world food shortage and the Gaza crisis, Kuwait recognizes that any strategy for our future should adopt a balanced approach, where all socioeconomic forces work together to maintain a positive equilibrium,” said Abul Hasan.

The official added: “As a country that shares the aspirations of the Arab states, we’re honored to host the Arab summit.”

Citing the achievements by Kuwait since its founding in 1961, Abul Hasan said that “our progress has been dynamic and is the result of sound judgment and foresight of our leaders, and the shared vision of our people.” The country has been committed to balance its economic and social priorities, also in the context of the Arab world. Despite embracing economic liberalization, Kuwait has retained its distinct cultural heritage.

He said that Kuwait implemented timely anti-inflationary measures and it became the first Arab state to de-peg its currency from the dollar. It is moving toward a diversified economy, a fair social system and a strong Kuwait Fund exclusively for future generations.

The Arab Summit was mooted by Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and Egypt.

Abul Hasan said: “Our growth today is microcosmic of the challenges and opportunities in the region. While leaders and key figures of Arab states deliberate over economic, social and development issues, the people of the Arab region are being engaged to voice their concerns, hopes and priorities.”

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