Bahrain Cabinet Discusses Joining Arab Nuclear Initiative


The meeting wished the upcoming Arab Summit in Riyadh all success in coming up with decisions and recommendations that serve the Arab countries.

It lauded Arab leaders’ efforts in achieving a unified Arab agreement to revive the peace process in the Middle East and find suitable solutions to the pending issues. The meeting affirmed that holding the Arab Summit in Saudi Arabia would ensure its success.

The session also hailed the outcome of the recent visit of the Crown Prince, Shaikh Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, to India.

Then, the Cabinet reviewed the procedures adopted by the Ministry of Municipalities Affairs and Agriculture and the Ministry of Health to prevent bird flu.

The Cabinet approved a draft law to amend Article No. 26 of Law No. 13 for 1975 on pension for government employees and a bill to amend Article No. 25 of Law No. 11 for 1976 on pension for BDF personnel. The amendments aim to protect widows who are not working.

The session also discussed and referred to the committee a draft law to approve Bahrain’s joining the agreement on peaceful settlement of international disputes, signed in Hague in 1907. It also discussed and referred to the committee a bill on the Kingdom’s joining an agreement signed in Hague in 1954 and its related protocols of 1954 and 1999 on the protection of property during armed conflicts.

The Cabinet then approved a draft law to amend some articles of Law No. 6 for 1985 on restructuring the Sunni and Jaafri endowments. The amendments aim to appoint office-bearers based on a Royal Decree and the nominations submitted by the Minister of Justice and Islamic Affairs after his talks with scholars and pioneers.

Then the meeting discussed a draft law to approve the International Agreement No. 155 for 1981 on work safety and work environment and referred it to the committee. The session was briefed by the Minister of Health on her recent visit to Australia.


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