Bahrain declares a new push to clear the waiting list for government homes


All Bahrainis on the waiting list, who applied up to 2002, will receive their homes by 2011, it was vowed by the Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa.

The move is part of a five-year housing plan with the support of the government and private sectors.

The 2009-2014 plan entails having the Housing Ministry build 14,000 housing units, of which 4,000 are distributed by the end of this year and the rest by 2010.

Construction will involve smart building methods to speed up the process, while it will remain environmentally friendly and cost effective, said the Cabinet.

The plan also calls for creating a partnership with the private sector to build housing units in the Northern Town project.

It is being built in an area of 740 hectares, divided into 14 islands, with a target of providing 15,000 government houses by 2016, according to earlier government reports.

Around 75,000 people will eventually be housed in the town.


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