Bahrain parliamentary blocs call for amending insurance law


Head of the foreign affairs, defense and national security committee MP Khaled Al-Maawda said in statements to "Akhbar Al-Khaleej" newspaper that the government should be responsible for securing the unemployment insurance law instead of deducting one percent from the citizens’ salaries.

Al-Maawda, who represents Al-Asala Islamic bloc, said the government should be capable of covering the needs of the unemployed in light of the financial abundance present in the country due to high oil prices and the announcement of giant Bahraini companies of high profits.

Secretary General of the Islamic National Conciliation Society Sheikh Ali Salman said his bloc will try to secure financial government sources to fulfill the financial requirements in order to amend this law.

At a rally held at the society last night, he said the law is considered one of the achievements made by the Minister of Labor Majeed Al-Alawi but the fact that citizens’ are burdened with the one percent deduction of their salaries in favor of the unemployed is one of the negative aspects of this law.

In the past few days, workers in some institutes staged strikes in protest of the law and a signatures campaign is going on to be submitted to the concerned parties.


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