Bahraini MP calls for jobs policy rethink


Al Wefaq’s parliamentary bloc’s vice-president MP Khalil Al Marzooq was referring to remarks last Tuesday by Interior Minister Shaikh Rashid bin Abdulla bin Al Khalifa, who said sectarianism was the biggest threat facing Bahrain.

Mr Al Marzooq claimed the protests were sparked by social concerns.

He called for the government’s recruitment policy to be changed – particularly granting of jobs to foreigners.

Shaikh Rashid had revealed police foiled repeated attempts by rioters to sabotage the three-day Formula One race, with 70 clashes between police from April 12 to 16 at 17 different locations, mostly in villages.

Meanwhile, Al Wefaq issued a statement  calling on the Supreme Council for Women to help solve the problem of unemployed female teachers.

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