Bahraini MP’s To Vote On Health Probe


Al Wefaq bloc head Ali Salman said that the bloc had received a number of complaints that needed to be looked into.

"This does not necessarily mean that we are accusing the ministry of anything, it is just an attempt to investigate what is going on," he said.

"The complaints we received included allegations about the quality of medicine the ministry provides, the number of beds it has, including emergency beds, employment and promotions as well as purchases and other financial matters."

Mr Salman said that the bloc would not hesitate to take any minister to task when it comes to matters that affect the public good.

"A minister is in place to perform a public service and it is our duty to question them when there is the possibility of a shortcoming," he said.

Mr Salman said that the bloc also plans to eventually take up the controversial Bandergate issue.

He was speaking at a Press conference held at the society in Zinj to announce future plans by the bloc.

Municipal support committee head Murtaza Bader, who is a former Capital Municipal Council chairman, said that the newly formed bloc plans to provide support to the current municipal councillors.

"We will provide them with advice and co-ordinate with the MPs to help make their plans a reality," he said.

"The previous term was not able to achieve much, but we hope that with the support of the Al Wefaq parliamentary bloc the current councillors will prove more effective."


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