Bahraini premier lauds moves towards Gulf citizenship


“A close follow-up on the decisions and steps taken at the gcc summits reveals that they were all directed towards strengthening the concept of Gulf citizenship economically, socially and politically,” Shaikh Khalifa added.


“The gcc march has known remarkable turning points which enabled the council’s member states to adapt to regional and international changes and grant further privileges to Gulf nationals,” the premier added, stressing Bahrain’s keenness to further support the gcc process.


He also praised the fundamental role played by the council’s secretariat general in following up on the implementation of decisions taken by the supreme council, the ministerial councils and various committees.


Shaikh Khalifa wished the seminar every success, hailing the role of such events in spreading the culture of Gulf citizenship and highlighting the gains which could be derived from the gcc countries’ integration.

They also discussed the latest regional and international developments


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