Dialogue only way out: Kuwaiti Amir


 The meeting took place in the presence of His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and Minister of Amiri Diwan Affairs Sheikh Nasser Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah.

During the meeting, His Highness the Amir outlined the results of the 21st Arab Summit, during which he discussed with his brothers, the Arab leaders, means to push forth joint Arab action in the interest of their countries and people.
His Highness the Amir highlighted the resolutions of the summit and contents of its final communique, which emphasized the importance of resolving inter-Arab differences through dialogue and the need for strengthening relations in the interest of higher Arab national goals.

He also underscored the summit’s condemnation of the Israeli aggression on Gaza and the need to realize the national rights of the Palestinian people, as well as implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1515 issued in 2003 over the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

The Arab leaders also underscored the importance that Israel withdraws from all occupied Arab territories, while emphasizing the demands of the international community for freeing the Middle East region of Weapons of Mass Destruction and nuclear weapons, as well as the right to possess nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

In this regard, the ministers underscored the importance of the speech delivered by His Highness the Amir at the Arab Summit, in which he highlighted points of weakness in joint Arab action which led to division instead of solidarity, and thus hindered development in the Arab world. They noted that in his speech, His Highness the Amir called for the continuation of sincere efforts to achieve Arab reconciliation and to put differences aside, noting that these differences had harmed Arab issues, namely the P
alestinian cause.

His Highness the Amir, in his speech, had also called for supporting the initiative he launched at the Arab Economic Summit, hosted by Kuwait in January, aimed at supporting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the Arab world.
Moreover, His Highness the Amir briefed the ministers on outcomes of his meetings with Arab leaders on the sidelines of the summit, which focused on bilateral relations and means to boost them.

His Highness Sheikh Sabah lauded the efforts of Qatar’s Amir, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, and the good preparations on the part of his government which guaranteed the success of the two summits. Furthermore, the Kuwaiti leader also briefed the ministers on the Second Arab-South American Summit which concluded yesterday, and the final communique which called for boosting cooperation between the Arab and Latin regions in all fields in order to achieve global peace and security.

The communique called for a permanent and comprehensive peace in the Middle East, according to the principle of peace for land, as agreed upon in the Madrid Convention, related international resolutions and the Arab peace initiative.
The communique lauded Egypt’s efforts for Palestinian conciliation, and His Highness the Amir said this was a distinguished step toward forging cooperation between the Arab and Latin sides in the interest of their people.

His Highness the Crown Prince, as well as Acting Prime Minister and Defense Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, expressed their appreciation for the efforts of the Kuwaiti leader and the Arab leaders, which aimed at ensuring the prosperity of their people.


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