This was suggested by an official of a Qatar-based government agency at the Dubai International Humanitarian Aid and Development (Dihad) Conference and Exhibition.
Ahmad bin Mohammad Al Muraikhi, Director-General of Qatar Authority for Charitable Activities, said the same proposal was echoed during a humanitarian workshop for GCC countries in Abu Dhabi late last year.
“Everyone wants to help our less fortunate brothers and sisters but there is a lack of coordination among countries in the GCC. Thus, we suggested the creation of a central committee, which will undertake the organisation of rescue and relief operations within and outside the Gulf, instead of each country organising its own activity,” Al Muraikhi explained.
The committee, Al Muraikhi added, would not only promote a stronger cooperation among Gulf countries but will also minimise duplication of humanitarian activities. “In addition, it will help us understand the various social needs that have to be tackled, as well as monitor where the financial flow of humanitarian aid is going,” he said.
Al Muraikhi also mentioned that the GCC countries seek to create a database of all humanitarian organisations within the region. “By having a database, we can promote coordination between the government and the non-governmental organisations (NGOs). This will ensure a continuous exchange of information and support among all concerned parties,” he said.
Another proposal that Al Muraikhi said will be beneficial to GCC countries particularly in times of crisis would be the setting up of an online forum that is updated on a regular basis.
“During emergency situations, information tend to be scarce. It would be helpful of updated reports are already on hand so that we can immediately render the required assistance,” he commented.