GCC condemns Israeli plans to build new settlements


"The Israeli practices are part of an intransigent and arrogant attitude aiming to impose a fait accompli in the Middle East conflict," the GCC chief said in a press release here.

"The Israeli moves are tantamount to flagrant violation of the international law and a clear defiance to the US-led international efforts to revive the stalled Middle East peace process," he underscored.

Al-Attiyah called on the international community, particularly the United Nations Security Council to put an end to Israel’s illegitimate policies and force Israel into compliance with the relevant UN resolutions.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government has recently approved plant for additional settlement construction in the West Bank, notably Jerusalem, before the US-proposed settlement freeze takes force in October.

US President Barack Obama’s efforts to put the brakes on Israeli settlement activities and restart the peace talks have gained widespread support in the Arab world as well as the American Jewish community.

About 60 percent of American Jews strongly oppose the expansion of settlements, recognizing such actions as detrimental to peace efforts while 69 percent of American Jews firmly support active American engagement in bringing about a two-state solution under the US-conceived Road Map for peace in the region, according to recent polls.


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