GCC supports Kuwait in dispute with Iraq


Tension between the two neighbors escalated last week when some Iraqi lawmakers demanded compensation from
Kuwait for facilitating the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

The lawmakers were angered by Kuwait’s rejection of measures to remove the UN’s description of Iraq as a threat to international peace and security which was imposed after Saddam Hussein invaded the country in 1990.

At the end of the GCC meeting in Riyadh, a final communique was read out by Abdulrahman Al-Attiyah, GCC Secretary General.

The Council valued the historic speech delivered by President Barack Obama from Cairo University to the Islamic World, Al-Attiyah said.

He added that the Council hopes the coming months will witness urgent and serious moves to translate the new comforting approaches and policies to a living reality.

The Council called for the implementation of the principles of the call made by King Abdullah, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, to achieve comprehensive Arab reconciliation.

On Iran’s continued occupation of the three United Arab Emirates islands, the Council reiterated its firm and known stands on this issue.

On the Iranian nuclear issue, the Council reiterated the importance of adherence to the principles of international legitimacy and peaceful resolution of conflicts. It welcomed the current consultations between the Western countries and Iran on this issue and hoped for a peaceful resolution of this crisis.

On relations with Iran, the Council reiterated the importance of adherence to the principles and policies of good neighborliness, non-interference in internal affairs and peaceful resolution of conflicts demanding Iran to translate its stated positive political approaches to tangible reality.

On the Palestinian issue, the Council valued support by President Obama and his administration for the principle of the two-state solution and stressed that peace in the region is in the interest of all parties and that peace and security for Israel will not materialize until the establishment of the Palestinian state with East A-Quds as its capital.

On Lebanon, the Council welcomed Lebanon’s application of the Doha Agreement and the new Lebanese parliament.


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