Gulf volunteer centers hail idea of Kuwaiti figure to establish joint union


 During a press conference to discuss possible aid to nations affected by Cyclone Gonu, Sheikha Amthal proposed establishment of the union to operate under the umbrella of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).
As head of Kuwait’s Voluntary Work Center (VWC), Sheikha Amthal stressed coordination and cooperation between Gulf nation in assessing the needs of countries facing emergencies.
She proposed devising a "crisis scenario" by each nation to face natural catastrophes, nuclear threats and other dangers.
She wondered about roles requires from the Gulf’s voluntary centers after the cyclone, noting that is not important who leads the union or adopts it, but what is most crucial is launching this vital initiative.
On his part, Secretary-General of Arab union for voluntary work Yousuf Al-Kadhem expressed support for Sheikha Amthal’s proposal, adding that he will present the idea during the union’s meeting next week.
Voluntary work requires a decisive leader to deal with arising crises, said Al-Kadhem who hoped that all GCC nations will join the proposed union although some of these countries do not permit establishing such voluntary bodies.
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) volunteer society and Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) expressed overall support for the proposal.
VWC is a member of the Arab League’s Arab union for voluntary work.

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