ICRC increasingly concern for civilians caught in Yemen’ armed conflict


The ICRC called on all parties involved to fulfill their obligations under international humanitarian law.

It urged them in particular to take all necessary precautions to spare the civilian population and to allow unimpeded passage of humanitarian aid.

"All persons detained in connection with the conflict must be treated humanely, the ICRC stands ready to visit any such persons and to provide other services in its capacity as a neutral and impartial humanitarian organization, " ICRC said.

In the north-western part of Saada governorate, the steady influx of displaced people prompted the ICRC and the Yemen Red Crescent to set up a new camp in Mandaba, which started a month ago with 2,500 people and now has around 6,000.

The ICRC and the Yemen Red Crescent had already been running three camps in and around Saada.

Altogether, the four camps are currently hosting around 11,000 people.
Despite the best efforts of the ICRC and the Yemen Red Crescent, which have provided aid of various kinds for around 140,000 people over the past three months, it is becoming ever more difficult to provide or obtain health care in the north of the country.


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