The minister told the Tribune that automation should be considered in addressing labour market issues involving foreign workers.
“The dependence on cheap labour can be reduced if automation is introduced in the sectors concerned,” Al Alawi said.
“One machine can carry out the work of 100 workers and will also save time.”
Commenting on labourers’ complaints of poor living conditions, Dr Al Alawi said they are seriously looking into the issue.
“We are not ignoring their plight. Our inspectors have been instructed to visit the labour camps, including those with poor living conditions.
“Such conditions hamper workers’ productivity. Our inspectors have visited workplaces and checked 200 camps which were found to be violating rules. They will be severely punished.” he said.
Dr Al Alawi said the unemployment rate had further dropped to 3.6 per cent.
Asked about the unemployment insurance scheme, the minister said, “The scheme will start from November 22 and will benefit the jobseekers.
“The allowance will be given for six months and the jobseekers will be provided with training during this period. They will receive job offers and if they refuse two offers, they will no longer be eligible for the insurance.
“We want all the youth to go out and grab every job opportunities available to them,” he said.
Earlier, the Assistant Undersecretary for Labour Affairs, Jamil Humaidan, told the Press that the insurance scheme for the unemployed would be implemented from November.
The Ministry of Labour and the General Organisation for Social Insurance are responsible for the scheme.
According to the scheme, jobseekers who hold diplomas will receive BD150 a month and the undergraduates will receive BD120, Humaidan said.
Recently the minister had announced a general amnesty for illegals. The amnesty is expected to begin in August and continue for six months. He said the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce would cooperate with the Ministry of Labour in the exercise which aimed to correct the labour market situation.