Iranian-Omani ties deep-rooted: Mottaki


The relations were distinct as aspired by the leaders of the two countries and for the interest of their peoples.

Speaking on the major features of the relations between the two countries, Mottaki said that the relations were comprehensive covering all political, economic, cultural and social spheres as well as security cooperation.

“We had exchanged visits at the level of ministers six or seven times in Tehran and Muscat during the last year.”

Speaking on the economic cooperation, the minister said that the Iranian-Omani Joint Committee held 10 meetings so far. The trade exchange volume between the two countries currently amounted to some $ 180 million, he said adding that this figure of trade volume could reach $ 500 million annually.

He said that in the light of the Sultanate’s development plans including the duty free zones, Iran would involve in joint investment with the Sultanate.

“During my last meeting with the Sultanate’s minister of foreign affairs, Yousuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah, we discussed ways of further promoting cooperation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Arab Gulf Cooperation Council (AGCC) states,” he said, adding that the near future would witness economic cooperation between Iran and AGCC states.

He said that the security cooperation between Iran and the AGCC countries was part of the overall regional cooperation, and added that such cooperation on the security front was possible between Iran and the Sultanate and the AGCC states.

“During my visit to Saudi Arabia I had discussed the issue of establishing a security and defence alliance between Iran and AGCC states, which was well received,” he said.

“In my opinion the next AGCC summit due to be held in Muscat would open a new chapter in our relations with the AGCC states.”

Speaking on Iran’s Bushehr nuclear power reactor, he said that the reactor was for peaceful purposes, had advance safety conditions and was under supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

He said Iran was ready to cooperate with all countries in this field under the supervision of the IAEA.

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