Iran’s Ten-Point Plan For Gulf Security


In an address to the World Economic Forum held in Qatar, Rowhani said that the Persian Gulf needs collective cooperation of the regional states to go ahead with sustainable development and security cooperation.


He called for active cooperation by regional countries to deal with the vacuum in terms of confidence and sustainable cooperation and develop interaction in light of the common grounds they enjoy on culture, religion and historical identity.


Rowhani said that the neighboring states are expected to form ‘Organization for Security and Cooperation in the Persian Gulf’ made up of members of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) plus Iran and Iraq on the basis of Article 8 of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 598.


The Iranian representative also called for ‘Common Security Arrangement’ to develop collective security and international campaign against terrorism, extremism, sectarian violence, the organized crimes and drug trafficking.


Rowhani called for the Persian Gulf neighboring states to develop political, security, economic and cultural cooperation and pave the way for free trade and joint investment.


The fifth point of the plan envisaged security for production and export of energy in order to guarantee energy supply from the Persian Gulf.


On nuclear programs of the Persian Gulf neighboring states, Rowhani proposed to the states to bring their nuclear activities under supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and help the UN agency verify their nuclear program.


He also called for establishment of a consortium by the Persian Gulf states to produce fuel for power plants under IAEA supervision in a non-intrusive way.


Rowhani said that the Persian Gulf states should work to make the Middle East free of nuclear arms, end arms race and go ahead with economic development projects to fight poverty and pave the way for withdrawal of foreign troops from the region.

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