Kenya To Open Embassy In Kuwait


Speaking following talks with visiting Kenyan Foreign Minister Raphael Tuju, Sheikh Mohammad said Kenya was Kuwait’s oldest friendly nation in Africa and that "the two countries enjoyed historic relations even prior to their indepdence".

Kuwaiti commercial ships, before oil discovery, used the Kenyan port of Mumbasa, a major harbour for trade with east Africa, Sheikh Mohammad said, adding that the first Kuwaiti diplomatic mission dispatched to the southern grand desert in the African continent was based in Nairobi.

He recalled the role played by Kenya as a member in the UN security council which advocated Kuwait’s right during the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait in 1990 and Kenya’s contribution to the UNICOM forces to maintain security on the Iraqi-Kuwaiti borders since 1991.

The Kuwait foreign minister also underscored Kenya’s role in a "beloved part of the Arab World, The Horn of Africa", pointing out to Kenya’s "axis" role in Somalia and its relentless efforts to conciliate among the Somali factions and its drive to end the civil war in south Sudan.

In response to a question on a Kenyan request to receive financil support from the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, Sheikh Mohammad said a meeting would be held between Tuju and officials of the fund to explore possibilities of financing some Kenyan projects.

On his part, Tuju said a Kenyan embassy would be opened in Kuwait in the near future, expressing hope that official procedures with the Kuwaiti foreign ministry would be finalised within the next three months to inaugurate the embassy.

He said Kuwait enjoyed a very significant position not only in the gulf region, but also worldwide.

He underlined Kenya’s profound interest in enhancing relations with Kuwait at all levels.

Talks today have touched on the situation in the African continent, particulary the situation in the Darfur region, he said, adding that Sheikh Mohammad received a kenyan brief report with developments in Somalia in a prelude to present it to the Arab League.

The Kenyan-Kuwaiti talks, held at the foreign ministry building, was attended by Foreign Undersecretary Khalid Jarallah, Director General of the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic and Social Development Abdelwahab al Bader, Director of the minister’s office Sheikh Ahmad al Nasser al Mohammad al Sabah and Director of the ministry’s department for Asia and Africa Ambassador Mohammad al Bader.

Tuju, who arrived earlier in the day on a two-day visit, had an audience today with His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah al Ahmad al Jaber al Sabah and His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser al Mohammad al Ahmad al Sabah.


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