Kuwait condemns American universities campaign against Islam


This came in the Kuwaiti delegation’s speech addressed by Khaled Bader Al-Khalifa, late on Wednesday, at the United Nations General Assembly on the Culture of Peace.

He said one must firmly stand against those who seek racial and religious sedition because such acts represent a serious threat to the efforts made to spread the culture of peace.

The Kuwaiti official welcomed all efforts to support the culture of peace by UN member states and the major role carried out by the general assembly in this respect.

Al-Khalifa touched on the significant role that could be played by the media and educational institutes to create a generation that condemns violence and hatred and can effectively spread the culture of peace.

He said Kuwait is sparing no efforts to spread the understanding of "moderation in Islam" where the cabinet issued a decision to form a committee aimed at spreading the understanding of moderation.

The committee held many international meetings, the latest last November in Washington with the participation of Moslem clerics who explained the true meaning of Islam.

He said development is the true road to peace and Kuwait believes the best path to spread the culture of peace is through joint work to promote sustainable development to avoid disputes.

Al-Khalifa expressed his appreciation for efforts made by the peace committee and noted that Kuwait donated USD 500,000 to the peace establishment fund.

The respect of human rights and equality among all sectors of the society are the basic of the culture of peace, he concluded.


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