Kuwait Emir Approves New Cabinet


The cabinet did not include outgoing health minister Sheikh Ahmad al-Abdullah al-Sabah, a senior ruling family member, who faced a vote of no-confidence by the opposition-dominated parliament.

The former cabinet resigned on March 4 in an attempt to avoid the minister from being voted out of office.

Besides Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Mohammad al-Ahmad al-Sabah, a nephew of the emir, the main posts remained held by members of the ruling Al-Sabah family.

Sheikh Jaber Mubarak al-Sabah was retained as first deputy premier and minister of defence and interior, while Sheikh Mohammad al-Sabah stayed as deputy premier and foreign minister.

The energy portfolio was split to the ministry of oil and ministry of electricity and water, as was the case several years ago. Sheikh Ali Jarrah al-Sabah, who was energy minister, was retained in the oil portfolio.

Finance Minister Bader Minshari al-Humaidhi also kept his post.

The cabinet included six new faces while five former ministers were dropped, including state minister for cabinet affairs, Ismail al-Shatti.

The two women in the cabinet are Maasouma al-Mubarak who was moved from communications to the health ministry, and Nuriya al-Sebih who was given the education portfolio.

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