Kuwait FM says will assist Iraq in fulfilling UN obligations


The comment came following a meeting late Wednesday, which included Sheikh Mohammad, His Highness the Prime Minister of Kuwait Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah and Iraqi President Jalal Talabani.

Talking to KUNA, Kuwait Television, and Iraqi channels Al-Iraqia and Al-Hurra, the foreign minister said that the two sides discussed Iraq’s endeavor to exit Chapter VII of the UN Charter, noting that the prime minister had assured Talabani of Kuwait’s full support of Iraq in completing these obligations.

Seeing an end to Chapter VII means "fulfilling international resolutions," he said, citing examples like South Africa, which was held under Chapter VII and only fulfilled its obligations after putting an end to the racial political system of apartheid, and Libya which fulfilled its obligations after conforming to global resolutions.

"We do not want to complicate matters, and we want to hasten Iraq’s exit of these obligations through easing their implementation," he added.

On the border issue he said: "Maintaining the border signs between the two countries is the most important matter to Kuwait," noting that the UN has presented an official request to Iraq over the matter, for the UN Iraq-Kuwait Boundary Demarcation Commission to carry out its task.

He expressed satisfaction that the terrorist bomb attack in Iraq, dubbed "Black Wednesday" which led to the death and injury of dozens, did not witness a border penetration into Kuwait, and that "these borders were not used to carry out evil deeds in Iraq." "The security of Iraq is fundamental to the security of Kuwait, which is why we are extremely concerned these borders are protected entirely and not misused by any terrorist side," he added.


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