Kuwait follows US policy on detainees


Al-Moghamis added that the ministry was currently conducting direct, official contacts with US counterparts to discuss the handing over of four Kuwaiti detainees to be tried in Kuwait in the case they were proven guilty of involvement in terrorism.

Responding to a question about rehabilitating returnees, Al-Moghamis stressed that it was very important and that the establishment of a special rehabilitation center was also very important and that the government must make this significant decision.

On the other hand, the chairman of the Kuwaiti Guantanamo Detainees Families Committee, Khalid Al-Oudhah, said that the US had set establishing special rehabilitation centers in Kuwait as a main condition for releasing the four Kuwaiti detainees at Guantanamo. He added that the decision to establish such a facility had been arranged for by the Foreign and Interior Ministries, Al-Qabas reported. "However, the decision had been held captive in the corridors of the Cabinet for months and it had been delayed by Cabinet resignations," explained Al-Oudah.


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