Kuwait informs UNSC panel it is complying with Iran-related resolutions


Faced with Tehran’s defiance of international calls to halt its uranium enrichment activities, the council imposed limited sanctions on Iran in resolution 1737 last December to constrain its development of sensitive technologies in support of its nuclear and missile programmes.


The council widened the scope of those sanctions last March in resolution 1747 by banning the country’s arms exports and freezing the assets and restricting the travel of additional individuals and companies engaged in the country’s proliferation of sensitive nuclear activities.


Both resolutions called on Member States to comply with the provisions of both resolutions and report to the Committee Chairman Johan Verbeke of Belgium on the measures they took in that regard.


According to a note verbale circulated on Monday by the committee, the State of Kuwait said the Ministry of Commerce and Industry issued a decision banning the import of goods mentioned in resolution 1737, because they could contribute to enrichment related activities.


It said it is also cooperating with Kuwait’s General Administration of Customs on tracking the prohibited products and is coordinating with Kuwait’s Interior Ministry on the companies that import the prohibited products.


The Institute for Scientific Research, the note added, is committed to the provisions of both resolutions, stressing that the Institute does not have any agreement with the Iranian institutions mentioned in the resolutions’ annexes.


The note added that the General Administration of Civil Aviation ordered Kuwait Airways and Al-Jazeera Airlines, the only two Kuwaiti carriers in the country, to take the necessary measures to implement the provisions of the resolutions.


Resolution 1737 called on all states to "exercise vigilance" regarding the entry into or transit through their territories of individuals who are engaged or directly associated with or providing support for Iran’s proliferation of sensitive nuclear activities.
Resolution 1747 added names to the list of individuals and companies listed in resolution 1737.


The Kuwaiti note finally said the Central Bank of Kuwait, in coordination with Kuwait’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is in full compliance with the resolutions which called for the freezing of funds and financial assets of the individuals and companies listed in the resolutions’ annexes.


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