Kuwait MPs launch offensive to unseat interior minister


Islamist MP Faisal Al-Muslim revealed that he has obtained what he called a "serious" document showing that the interior minister requested his secret ministry accounts be raised from KD 3 million last year to KD 15 million this year "without providing an
y justification" for the increase.

The announcement appears to be part of an offensive against the minister to force him to resign ahead of the no-confidence vote. Muslim also regretted that the grilling has divided the society on "social lines", a reference to the overwhelming support of the grilling by tribal MPs and being opposed by urban MPs, representing city people. The lawmaker also stressed that the no-confidence vote will be supported by all sections of the society including Shiite, Sunni and tribal MPs.

The second development was the announcement of former Salafist MP Abdulatif Al-Ameeri that the Islamic Salaf Alliance which has two MPs and one supporter, will back the no-confidence vote against the minister. This represents a major boost to the opponents of the minister who are fighting to gather the magic number of 25 to unseat Sheikh Jaber Al-Khaled. Until now, it appears they have failed to sway a number of undecided MPs in their favor and their number still falls short of that number.

But later in the day, Salafist MP Ali Al-Omair denied that the Alliance has made any decision, adding that Ameeri’s statement represents his own opinion. He however added that the Alliance will meet to make its final decision on the issue. Based on statements by several MPs and supporters of the grilling, the number of MPs supporting the no-confidence vote does not exceed 20.

Deputy premier for economic affairs, minister of housing and development Sheikh Ahmad Fahd Al-Sabah meanwhile said that the interior minister will not go to the confidence vote session if he is not certain of having the sufficient number to defeat the motion. Sheikh Ahmad also stressed that the government is solidly backing the minister who is certain that he will survive the vote.

Leading Shiite MP Adnan Abdulsamad said he will vote against the no-confidence motion because the second and third points in the grilling do not qualify to grill the minister and that on the first point of squandering public funds, the minister has referred the issue to the public prosecution. The Popular Action Bloc was due to hold yesterday night its first of several public rallies to garner support for the no-confidence vote. MPs Musallam Al-Barrak, Khaled Al-Tahous and Falah Al-Sawwagh were due to addr
ess the gathering.

Meanwhile, MP Hussein Al-Huraiti said yesterday the legal and legislative committee will discuss on Tuesday a number of draft laws on debt relief. The bills call on the government to purchase consumer loans of citizens and reschedule them over a long period but without interest. In another development, the court of appeals yesterday acquitted former MP Essam Al-Dabbous of the charge of vote-buying during the 2008 elections. He was convicted by the criminal court.


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