Kuwait NA refers approved bill on naturalization to government


The vote was 45 ayes, one nay, and two abstentions, with 48 MPs present.
During the deliberations, several MPs stressed the need for clear and exact criteria for naturalization and also highlighted the need for giving priority to those who served the country in a distinguished manner and those who lost their lives in its defense.



The MPs noted military personnel who served long years in the army, particularly those who fought in the battles against Israel, must be given special consideration and appreciation.


Mps also demanded holders of rare qualifications and extensive expertise in all fields be awarded Kuwaiti nationality as well, so that they may better contribute to the development of the state.


Acting Prime Minister and Minister of Interior and of Defense Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah for his part said the best interest of the State of Kuwait should be given top priority in all initiatives. He stressed those to be naturalized "would be selected according to clear unambiguous criteria."


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