Kuwait parliament discusses amendments on private sector employment law



In a press statement after the meeting, the committee’s chairman MP Jamal Al-Kandari said most of the law’s articles were discussed, noting that all sides agreed on some points, while the unions and ministry disagreed on some other matters.
He said one difference was the unions’ objection to authority given to social affairs and labor minister to accept or reject establishing unions and syndicates.



The union’s objection, he added, was on the basis of conflicting with international laws and such matters should be determined by legislations, not ministerial decisions.
The ministry’s officials said such a thing did not go against international accords as the minister has the right to issue guidelines relevant to the private sector’s activities, noted Al-Kandari.


He said proposed amendments were aimed at eliminating the current law’s negatives which avoid Kuwait criticism from international organizations, especially on matters relevant to human trafficking and violating human rights.
While hoping the committee would settle this matter before the next legislative term in October, he said the next meeting will finalize many of the law’s articles.


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