Among other aspirations he spelled out, fighting corruption at government and public institutions, protection of government properties from abuse, consecrating the principle of transparency at government ministries and elswhere, and applying the notion of dealing with government employees on a merit basis were emphasized more so than others.
The previous government headed by Sheikh Nasser, though it had a short stint, was able to take a few steps toward some semblance of social and political reforms, the most salient among which were overhauling the B.O.T. system of government-subsidized infrastructure projects, and starting with earnest to remove all public transgressions on government property throughout the country.
He underscored in his speech to the assembly today the wisdom of having to dedicate increasing oil revenues for the implementation of economic growth and social progress.
The prime minister made it clear that if the relationship between the government and the national assembly continues in the same vein as it did in the course of the previous government, then the nation’s aspirations would be running up against a wall. There has to be, he asserted, a two-way give-and-take between the executive and the legislative authorities, for any meaningful governing to take place. No progress could be achieved with that, he maintained.
Kuwait Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser cautioned that the nation was in the throes of a critical period, where both governing branches were often at loggerheads, leaving thus vital issues to the welfare of the nation on the back burner. He said that bickering between lawmakers and the government was causing the cessation of numerous social and development projects. Such wrangling, he averred, could be construed by some as impediments to the nation’s stability.
He urged lawmakers to take a step back and review with a cool head that only through unfettered transparency and complete candor in dealing with critical national issues can the nation be best served and the interests of its citizens preserved.
The cabinet had earlier announced the formation of a five-party committee "which will have a seminal role in coordinating work by both branches of the government for the expressed objective of arriving at consensus regarding issues of vital concern to the nation" as was stated in Sheikh Nasser’s speech.
The prime minister underscored in his speech before the national assembly that the national economy could see more reforms through the passing of more legislations, increasing the role of the private sector, upgrading the nation’s monetary system, streamlining the infrastructure, and completion with zest the construction of large-scale projects.
Some of these projects are currently behind schedule and require serious attention such as those of the Silk City, Sabbiya causeway which would link Kuwait city with Boubyan Island, and desalination and power-generating plants as well as massive housing projects in various locations in the country.
Among numerous references to social issues in his speech Sheikh Nasser made a vivid reference to the important role the media is entrusted with, asking it to exercise care and accuracy in what it reports and to refrain from inciting public emotions through misguided criticism.