Kuwaiti 1st Deputy PM calls for patience with new cabinet formation


During a gathering of Ministries’ undersecretaries and their assistants at Defense Ministry’s camp in Sabhan, Sheikh Jabber said due to being closely associated with H.H. the Premier Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, he believed the formation’s announcement deserves patience because of its magnitude.

As for having a place in the upcoming cabinet, he said this matter was up to the political leadership that assigned H.H. the Premier, adding that he is a soldier that would serve Kuwait from any post.

While wishing H.H. the Premier all the best in his drive to form the cabinet, Sheikh Jaber denied the existence of any conflicts between parliamentary blocs and the prime minister.

Sheikh Jaber stressed the importance of such gatherings between state officials as they are crucial tools in the cabinet’s program, hoping such gatherings would continue due to their role in boosting ties.

State officials are tools in battling financial and administrative corruption that hinder Kuwait’s development, he noted.

On his part, Defense Undersecretary Sheikh Sabah Al-Nasser Al-Sabah said undersecretaries were executing government policies as the are closer to their ministries’ problems than ministers.

Today’s gathering was a great opportunity to remove all administrative obstacles between ministries and state bodies, and this was only the beginning to eliminate hindrances facing coordination and cooperation between these bodies, he explained.

The gathering, he added, created a form of familiarity and acquaintance between attendees to exchange ideas and expertise.

As for the water and electricity conservation project that was submitted to the undersecretaries’ council, Sheikh Sabah said the project took into consideration the financial capabilities of some Kuwaiti families that could not afford additional financial burdens.

The project will split consumers into categories according to their property, and the biggest category of consumers will be exempted from any additional charges, he said.

The type of property — residential, commercial, agricultural or investment — will be specified in cooperation with Energy Ministry and Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, he explained.

Head of Citizens Service Body Sheikh Mohammad Al-Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah stressed the conservation project’s significance.

The project, if proven feasible, needs sufficient research to ensure proper implementation, he said.

While saying executing the project will take years, he noted that no additional state fees could be placed on public services.


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