Kuwaiti MPs lobby for support against Sebih


Meanwhile, the sources added a number of preachers and Islamic scholars have rejected the supportive stance adopted by MPs Ahmed Baqer and Ali Al-Omair regarding the minister. They added their stance violates the principles of Islam and that of Salafists. The same sources said the bloc will hold a meeting next Tuesday with Salafi scholars and MPs to take a final decision on the no-confidence vote during the parliament session. The Salafist MPs will meet with Al-Sebih Tuesday to listen her response to their queries particularly gender segregation in private universities and punishments to the private schools which violate the laws and a female student who is said to have defiled the Holy Quran. The meeting will also look into the points to be submitted to HH the Amir during the Sunday meeting.

The sources said the decision of the Salafists may embarrass some other MPs such as Ahmad Al-Saadoun, Faisal Al-Muslim and Mohammed Al-Mutairi. On the other hand the Popular Labor Bloc will hold a meeting Monday to discuss the outcome of the MPs meeting with HH the Amir. During the meeting the bloc will also take a final decision on the vote of no-confidence.

Talking about rumors that the government had regained its dignity after Al-Sebih won the grilling session in parliament, sources told the Arab Times the government always had its dignity and it has nothing to regain. Ministers listening to the demands of MPs do not mean they are weak. The issue of voting on the no-confidence motion filed by 10 MPs against the Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education Nuriya Al-Sebih will be the main point of discussion during a meeting of politicians which will be held soon at the Al-Nusif Diwaniya in Abdullah Al-Salem area, reports Al-Nahar daily quoting parliamentary sources.

The same sources said a difference of opinion has surfaced among the participants to the meeting because some MPs are believed to be supporting the motion while others are not. Sources added until today the MPs who are supporting the motion against the ministers are the Salafists movement, the Justice and Peace gathering, the Nation Party and some MPs from the People’s Bloc.

Meanwhile, those who oppose the motion are MPs from the National Alliance and the Islamic Constitutional Movement while the Salafists Gathering has yet to decide on the issue. In addition the no-confidence motion the politicians are also going to discuss the law on electoral constituencies and also laws to recognize political parties after several MPs in the parliament have introduced three draft laws. MP Ahmad Al-Saadoun has introduced the draft law regarding the electoral constituency. Sources added the politicians who will be attending the meeting will be asked for their opinion on these laws before the MPs make a move to take practical steps for their approval.

However, some sources say there is a difference of opinion among the politicians on the establishment of political parties in the country since the Salafists Gathering have shown their displeasure at the idea.
A cross-section of women activist in the country has described the performance of the Minister of Education and Higher Education Nuriya Al-Sebih at parliamentary grilling as “remarkable”. Meanwhile, some women organizations are planning marching to the parliament to show what they call “our moral and spiritual support to our hardworking minister” during next grilling on Jan 22. Speaking to the Arab Times, media celebrity Aisha Al-Rashidi stated that Nuriya proved to the entire nation that she is on top of the issues and left many MPs flabbergasted with her self confidence posture.


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