"There is an article in the constitution that stipulates the feasibility of changing the constitution to obtain more public freedoms," he told reporters here. However he underscored the difficulty in bringing about change in the constitution because, in his words, it is one of those "inflexible constitutions." Even if it were easy to change the constitution it would require that a certain number of MPs pass a motion for change. That number is "not easy to get," he noted.
Article 174 of the constitution states that it is up to the Amir along with one third of the MPs in the national assembly to propose any change in the constitution.
Furthermore for a proposal of change to be adopted, the constitution requires that two thirds of MPs subscribe to it. And even then the change cannot get a foothold with the ultimate endorsement of the Amir.
In case a proposal of change is not adopted, it would not be accepted again for consideration until the period of a year passes.
In response to a question on whether there were those who wanted to strain the relationship between the executive and legislative branches so as to lead to some constitutional changes, al-Kharafi said he did not think there were those who cherished straining that relationship just for the sake of it.
Moreover he said he had no idea what some people’s intentions were but emphasized that it behooved all citizens to work for a smooth relationship between the government and the national assembly. "Let us keep away from stirring up unneeded controvrsy" since most Kuwaitis seek that those in the government resolve any contentions quickly and promptly through meaningful dialogue.