Lockheed hopes to seal $ 7b UAE defence deal


Charles "Willy" Moore gave few specifics about potential arms deals with the UAE. But he did say he was confident negotiations will succeed to deploy a $ 7 billion missile defence system that could form part of a stronger missile shield for the region. "Lockheed Martin’s footprint here is expanding, it’s becoming more complex,” Moore told The Associated Press over the phone from Abu Dhabi, on Wednesday. “As we look forward, we see lots of opportunities to deepen our partnership with the UAE."

Moore, a retired Navy vice-admiral, was named the US defence contractor’s first chief executive for the UAE last month. He is based in Abu Dhabi.

Between 2004 and last year, the UAE bought more weapons than any other country besides China and India, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. The majority of those arms came from the US

Lockheed and partner Raytheon Corp. are leading the push to strengthen the UAE’s missile defence systems.

The UAE last year placed an order worth $ 3.3 billion for a Patriot missile defence system designed to shoot down incoming missiles in their last stages of flight.

Abu Dhabi is also pushing to become the first country after the US to deploy what Lockheed says is an even more advanced missile defence system known as the Terminal High Altitude Area Defence system, or THAAD. The system, which is still undergoing testing, is part of a planned missile defence shield for the United States. Moore said he was hopeful the deal to sell the $ 7 billion system to the UAE would be completed, though he declined to say when that might be.

“We’re making good progress and everyone is satisfied with it,” he said. “We’re confident it’s going to become operational and meet their needs.”


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