Low Salaries A Disgrace In Bahrain


"Investments are coming into the country at a rapid pace and the government currently has a budget surplus," he said.


"Despite all this, a large segment of the population still lives in poverty, with salaries of many Bahrainis less than BD200."


He said the problems of these Bahrainis were being exacerbated by rising inflation.


"There needs to be a joint effort by MPs and the government to raise these salaries," Mr Fairooz continued.


Meanwhile, his colleague Al Wefaq MP Mohammed Al Jamri claimed his bloc’s presence in parliament has been able to do a lot to build bridges between the Sunni and Shi’ite sects.


"Al Wefaq has received support from other MPs in a lot of its economic and political proposals, which can only be good for the country," he continued. "A lot of mutual respect has been built and we expect this to continue." Mr Al Jamri said the bloc would also seek to improve the standard of living for Bahrainis and help raise their salaries.

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