Palestinian NGOs in Israel


• Fresh insight into Palestine and the Palestinian conflict
• Original contribution to the debate on civil society
A lively and original contribution… I enjoyed the work immensely, and would certainly recommend it
warmly both to students and to those with a lively interest in things Palestinian.
Philip Robins, St Antonys College, Oxford
Provides afresh insight into political repression of Palestinian civil society by the Israeli state and
attempts by Palestinian NGOs to build a civil society in the face of such oppression.
. . The result is a
unique piece of work which other academics would be hard pressed to emulate
Gerard Clarke, Centre for Development Studies, University of Wales Swansea
One in every six Israeli citizens is a Palestinian Arab. While much has been written about the Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza, the struggle for political rights by Palestinian citizens of Israel remains largely unexplored. Shany Payes offers a fresh look at this struggle through analysis of the increasingly growing sector of Palestinian non-governmental organisations.
Charting the political history of these associations over the last quarter of a century and running right up to developments during the recent Intifada, she analyses the political repression of Palestinian civil society by the Israeli state and attempts by Palestinian NGOs in Israel to build a civil society in the face of such oppression.
Palestinian NGOs in Israel
is required reading for all those interested in the Israel-Palestine conflict, minority rights and civil society.
Shany Payes obtained her D. Phil from St. Antonys College, Oxford in 2002 and prior to that was a journalist in Israel for ten yeats.
2005 For further information contact:
Benjamin Usher, Publicist
45 Tel: 020 7243 1225
SIZE: 216 X 138MM
ISBN: 1 85043 6304

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