Persian Gulf states to discuss nuclear ambitions with UN watchdog


 Abderrahman Al-Attiya said he would meet International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei on February 22 "to discuss the study proposed by the PGCC countries to possess nuclear power for peaceful purposes".

"The international agency is the body concerned with such activities and we will take its viewpoint about this study into consideration," he told AFP.

This is to make sure that the process is "transparent", he added.

At a summit in Riyadh in December, the PGCC’s six members — Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates — set out plans for a joint civil nuclear program.

They denied the plans were a response to the nuclear program of Shiite-ruled Iran across the Persian Gulf, whose efforts to master the nuclear fuel cycle have sparked U.S.-led accusations that it is covertly seeking to develop an atomic bomb.


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