Politics Starts at Home – Is it worth getting involved in local politics?


These themes will be explored in a fascinating discussion led by Muslim councillors from the Conservative, Labour and the Liberal Democratic parties. Each will give their insight into life as a councillor and will address why they believe local Muslims should get involved in local affairs.


Cllr. Wajid Khan, Daneshouse with Stoneyholme, Labour
Cllr. Zaffar Van Kalwala, Stonebridge, Labour
Cllr. Husain Akhtar, Canons, Conservative
Cllr. Fiyaz Mughal, Noel Park, Lib Dem

The organisers

The Muslim Council of Britain’s Public Affairs Committee

The Muslim Council of Britain is a Muslim umbrella body with over 500 affiliated national, regional and local organisations, mosques, charities and schools. The MCB is a non-partisan body that does not endorse any one political party.  It does, through its Public Affairs Committee seek to facilitate discussion and inform the debate. Importantly, the MCB encourages Muslims to fully participate  in Britain’s  democratic traditions and exercise their vote. www.mcb.org.uk

Open Discussions

Open Discussions is a monthly forum that discusses various issues concerning Muslims both locally and globally. These discussions strive to fill in gaps that Mosques and Islamic centres have left open, covering religious, political and social issues. Since its inception, Open Discussions has paved way for dynamic exchange and flow of ideas and experiences between scholars, academics, thinkers, researchers, journalists, analysts and students alike. http://www.open-discussions.com

Gulf Cultural Club
The Gulf Cultural Club is a non-profitable forum for intellectual exchanges and development. Founded by independent academics, journalists and professionals from the Gulf states, its primary objective is to promote and encourage a multi-facit dialogue to enhance understanding and advance awareness of various Gulf-related issues; political, economic, social artistic and Cultural. https://gcclub.org

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