Private Sector Jobs Don’t Appeal To Qataris


Nationals are shying away from private sector jobs due to low pay and less benefits in comparison to government ministries and departments.

One national, Adnan Al Emadi, cited an example of government departments allowing 10 days off for Eid, while the private sector only allows a mere three-day holiday.

A lack of incentives, slow promotions and a no bonuses are also keeping Qataris from working in the private sector. The report also said that Qataris should be "properly paid’ if they are need in the private sector workforce.

Another national, Abdulla Al Kubaisi, stated: "My brother has just graduated and is looking for a job. I can tell you he is looking at everything except for positions in the private sector."

Jobs in government and its affiliated departments are hard to get in the best of days. And in spite of much noise being made about ‘Qatarisation’, Qataris themselves are unwilling to work in the private sector even if jobs are available, the report said.


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