Qatar, Jordan urge joint Arab stance on region’s issues


The talks were attended by the official delegation accompanying the Emir. On the Jordanian side were Prime Minister Nader al-Dahabi, President of the Royal Court Nasser Lozi, adviser to the Jordanian monarch Ayman Safadi, Foreign Minister Nasser Judah and Minister of Industry and Commerce Amer al Hadidi.


King Abdullah hosted a luncheon banquet in honour of the Emir and the Qatari delegation.
Earlier, Jordanian officials welcomed the Emir’s visit which was came within the framework of continued co-ordination and consultation between the two countries’ leaders to achieve the common Arab interests.


Jordanian Speaker of the House of Representatives Abdul-Hadi al-Majali said that the visit of HH Sheikh Hamad, president of the Arab Summit, to Jordan to hold a bilateral summit with King Abdullah II came at a time when the Arab nation needed more solidarity and unity to face challenges.
Al-Majali said Jordan’s relations with Qatar and other GCC courtiers represented a model to maintain co-operation among the Arab countries.


He added that the two leaders consistently focused on the unity of Arab ranks over the ongoing events and the rapid developments at all levels in the region and the world, in particular with regard to the Palestinian cause and the holy city Jerusalem.


Meanwhile, Jordanian Minister of Culture Dr Sabri Arpihat highlighted the importance of the Emir’s visit saying it reflected the two leaders’ keenness to continue co-ordination and consultation and to follow up the resolutions of the Doha Summit with regard to the Palestine issue.


The minister said his country highly appreciated Qatar’s role in launching the Arab-South American dialogue by holding the Doha Summit which brought together leaders from the Arab countries and Latin America.


HH the Emir has since left Amman wrapping up his brief visit.


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