Qatar projected to be richest country


This is a significant increase from the $ 27,000 per capita in 2001 as the country benefits from rising demand for oil and gas. Qatar is now the wealthiest country in the



Middle East.



The review said that despite its size, Qatar has one of the most exciting and prospective hydrocarbon sectors in the world, the source of 14 percent of the world’s proven natural gas reserves and 15bn barrels of crude oil. Equally important is the massive investment programme, quadrupling natural gas output in the last decade making Qatar the world’s largest producer and exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG).



The IBQ economic report also highlights the growth rate of the Qatari economy, now one of the highest in the world.



"The active guidance of the Emir, H H Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, demonstrates that the government of Qatar is central to the country’s impressive economic performance and commits itself to an aggressive investment programme of $ 160bn in projects across all major sectors of the economy," said George Nasra, IBQ Managing Director.


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