The former MP spoke at a seminar on a more active and influential role for women in the National Assembly, held by the Women Cultural and Social Society. He added women were not ready to run in the tight space of time available during the last election. The next elections will be more favorable to women as the recent amendments in voting districts and time are on their side, Al-Haroun said.
Women must take advantage of all channels available to them to join the decision making process, he added. Participation in elections at co-ops, worker’s and professional unions, and civic organizations remain largely limited to men, the former MP explained. Parliamentarians must be solicited to support women’s empowerment by making leadership positions available to them, especially positions in middle-management.
He added parliament must also issue legislation to protect women in the labor market. A training institute should be established to offer courses to prepare women for elections, Al-Haroun also proposed. The former MP concluded his remarks saying women organizations must take joint action to make their issues a priority for Kuwait as a whole and for parliament in particular.