Saudi Arabia And Morocco Reject Foreign Interference


“The two countries emphasized that Arab countries bear responsibility toward crucial issues by depending on God and their people. They also rejected foreign interference in Arab affairs,” said the joint statement.

SPA said the two kings held a one-on-one meeting and discussed the latest developments at Arab, Islamic and international levels, most importantly the Palestinian issue and the situation in Iraq and Lebanon.

“The two countries stressed the need for reinforcing national identity and culture based on Islam,” SPA said.

King Abdullah and King Muhammad explored ways of strengthening cooperation between their two countries. This is Abdullah’s first visit to an Arab country after his accession to the throne in August 2005.

Earlier in the day, King Abdullah was accorded an official welcome at

Moulay Hassan Square

. When the two kings and their motorcades reached Ain Fadous, an array of horsemen welcomed them. A large number of Moroccans had lined up along the roads to greet the Saudi leader.

Later, King Abdullah inspected a guard of honor and shook hands with top Moroccan officials. King Muhammad decorated his Saudi guest with his country’s top honor, the Al-Muhammadi Medallion. King Abdullah reciprocated by awarding the King Abdul Aziz Medallion to the Moroccan king.

King Abdullah arrived in Morocco on Thursday on an official visit and was received at the Fez airport by King Muhammad and his brother Moulay Rasheed.

King Abdullah is accompanied by a high-level delegation including Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal, chief of intelligence Prince Muqrin, Prince Faisal ibn Abdullah, assistant to the intelligence chief, State Minister Prince Abdul Aziz ibn Fahd, Labor Minister Ghazi Al-Gosaibi, Finance Minister Ibrahim Al-Assaf and Culture and Information Minister Iyad Madani.

Moroccan Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Abdul Kareem Al-Semar said Morocco regards King Abdullah’s visit as very important. He underscored the strong and deep-rooted relations between the two Arab countries.

The royal visit is expected to witness the signing of a number of agreements to promote cooperation.

The ambassador noted the role played by the two kings in maintaining peace, security and stability in the Arab world.

He praised King Abdullah’s efforts to help Palestinian groups reach reconciliation and Sudan and Chad in signing a peace agreement.

In a related development, Sudanese President Omar Bashir arrived in Morocco on Wednesday. He is expected to meet with King Abdullah to discuss the latest developments on the Darfur issue.

Meanwhile, Crown Prince Sultan, the regent, attended funeral prayers for Princess Reema bint Hadlool and Princess Sheikha bint Faisal at Imam Turki ibn Abdullah Mosque in Riyadh yesterday.

A large number of princes and Saudi citizens also attended the funeral. Princess Reema, 42, and Princess Sheikha, 4, died Thursday, the

Royal Court



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