Saudi Arabia, Pakistan to step up drive against terror


Following talks with Interior Minister Prince Naif on Tuesday night, Adviser on Interior Affairs in Pakistan, Rahman Malik, told Arab News that he had a successful meeting with his counterpart in Riyadh and the talks will bear fruits in near future in the form of new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and agreements between the two countries.

Malik was on a brief visit to the Kingdom at the invitation of Prince Naif. During his day’s visit to the capital, the visiting minister also held talks with Deputy Interior Minister Prince Muhammad Ibn Naif and Intelligence Chief Prince Muqrin.

He also took the opportunity of meeting his community members in Riyadh to know their conditions of work and problems, if any.

“Saudi Arabia has excellent experience in combating terrorism and Pakistan continues to be its victim for several years. We like to share Saudi experience in combating terror in our country,” Malik said, pointing out that the two countries could also share intelligence information to monitor activities of terrorists in the region. Some of the terrorists have infiltrated into Pakistan from the region,” he said.

Explaining the impact of terror on Pakistan, Malik said: “We have lost our great leader Benazir Bhutto and the country continues to suffer from terror every now and then.”

He said the initiative taken by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah for the interfaith dialogue is highly commendable.

“The Kingdom stands as an example for promoting peace among all faiths for global peace and prosperity.”

The visiting minister said that the Kingdom has played a predominant role in defusing the tension between India and Pakistan following terrorist attacks on Mumbai hotels recently.

Regarding the Mumbai attack, he said that his country had not only condemned the action but also had offered its hands to help India in its investigations.

“Pakistan is a nation suffering from terrorism for a long time, we would like to join hands with India to fight against this menace and wipe it out from the region,” he stressed.

As to the findings of the attack submitted to the Pakistan government, he said: “Submitting a name is different from giving evidence for the tragedy.”

While thanking the Saudi government for looking after the Pakistani workers in the Kingdom, the official said problems such as repatriation of dead bodies, breach of work contracts and other security problems connected to the expatriate populations were taken up during discussions with senior government officials.

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