"We want to know exactly the nature of this reservation and how we can address it," prince Saudi told a joint news conference with his Dutch counterpart Maxime Verhagen.
The UAE, during a consultative summit between the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) leaders in Riyadh recently, voiced reservations for selecting the Saudi capital as the headquarters of the Gulf central bank.
"We will continue working on this issue and hope a common will prevail to establish this important bank as an important institute to serve the Gulf citizen," said Prince Saud.
He, meanwhile, said economic relations between Saudi Arabia and the Netherlands were good.
prince Saud hoped Saudi-Dutch relations would further improve at all domains.
Prince Saudi, meanwhile, said it was of Saudi Arabia’s best interest to see stability prevail in Yemen and Pakistan.
On the peace process, prince Saud expressed concern over extremist Israeli policies and how they were derailing the peace process with the Palestinians.
"We want a balanced Israeli position which respect the international legitimacy," he said.
Verhagen, for his part, said both countries were keen on further cementing economic cooperation.
The Netherlands wants to see a resolution for the Arab-Israeli conflict to establish two states, Palestine and Israel, living side-by-side in peace and security.
Verhagen appreciated the Saudi-proposed Arab peace initiative.