Abdul Ghani Al Malki., director of the Health Observation Centre at King Abdulaziz International Airport (KAIA) in Jeddah, said: “The centre, which receives 65 per cent of foreign pilgrims coming to Makkah, has observed that the general health of pilgrims is satisfactory this year. The dengue fever vaccine is only administered to pilgrims who did not take it in their home countries.”
He added that the centre had also supplied polio vaccines to 195,927 children since the beginning of the Haj season.
Claiming that the preventive measures taken against swine flu at KAIA are one of the best in the world, he added: “A separate way is set apart for incoming passengers suspected to be carriers of the disease. The thermal camera installed at the arrival lounge identifies people with high temperature. Specialist doctors examine travellers who come under suspicion.”
Those who show H1N1 virus symptoms are sent to King Saud Hospital, which handles swine flu cases. The centre has also made arrangements to prevent healthy people mixing with suspected cases.
Al Malki said that health regulations require that an aircraft coming from another country should be fumigated.