Military sources said that the Saudi Army took control of several strategic sites on foothills in the area from which infiltrators have launched sporadic attacks and that an entire minefield was detected as troops advanced towards aggressor positions abandoned due to the “relentless strikes that forced them to flee.”
The attempt to “catch troops unawares with the mines,” the sources said, was detected and nullified without injury.
“After dealing with the minefield combat activities resumed and forces took control of the crossing point Shu’ab Al-Jawla, a strategic corridor through which infiltrators enter,” sources said.
Forces stationed on the border also thwarted an imminent attack from a group of aggressors close to Wadi Al-Mawqad during which infiltrators are believed to have suffered losses.
The sources added that airstrikes continued to inflict damage on their targets, while on the other side of the border the Yemeni Army inflicted further losses on aggressors in Al-Mahareeq, Sabhala, Al-Khiyam, Madhab and Al-’Amashiya, with senior figures from aggressor groups said to have been among those killed.
Tribes chip in
Some 400 men from the Aal Al-Harith Yam tribe from ‘Akifa in Najran, meanwhile, arrived at a Saudi Army base on the border Monday ready to make the “highest sacrifice to help national forces defend the country.” The tribesmen were met by the leader of Saudi forces in Najran, Maj. Gen. Khidhr Bin Saoud Al-Zahrani.
“One would expect nothing less from Aal Al-Harith. The people of Najran are known for their loyalty, generosity and bravery,” the Major General said. The tribe sacrificed 15 sheep in honor of the Saudi troops stationed in the region.