The Shoura Council will also complete discussion of the annual report for the Ministry of Culture and Information for the fiscal year 2006-07 presented by the Culture and Information Committee; vote on the draft agreement for cooperation between the governments of the Kingdom and Turkey in the field of youth and sports presented by the Social, Family and Youth Affairs Committee; and consider the recommendations of the Transport, Telecommunications and Information Technology Committee on the annual report for the General Corporation for Saudi Arabian Airlines for the year 2006-07.
The Shoura Council will also vote on the recommendations of the Water, Utilities and Public Services Committee regarding the annual report for the Ministry of Water and Electricity for the fiscal year 2006-07. Meanwhile, in its Monday session, the council will discuss the draft agreement for cooperation in the field of maritime transport between the governments of the Kingdom and Turkey presented by the Transport, Telecommunications and Information Technology Committee.
The recommendations of the Security Committee toward the rise in injuries and mortality rates due to traffic accidents and the necessity to find scientific solutions will be tabled for discussion. Also, the council will discuss the recommendations of the Education and Scientific Research Committee on the draft regulation for the National Commission for Academic Evaluation and Accreditation. These recommendations will be voted on.
The council will discuss the Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of strategic dialogue between the GCC countries and Turkey presented by the Foreign Affairs Committee.