Citing the chaotic situation and the prevalent state of anarchy, Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem regretted that “even Iraqi officials are currently incapable to plan anything for Iraq”. “For the time being, there is no room to talk about a plan,” he said.
Following talks with Philippe Douste-Blazy, his French counterpart, Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem said: “Of course, the neighbours can be of help or not be of help, but the Iraqis must above all depend on themselves by making decisions to restore justice, create equality, combat militias and reassure the whole of the Iraqi people.”
The French Minister warned that Iraq was close to partition. “Iraq is close to splitting up and therefore becoming a threat to regional stability. We are close to partition. There is today a situation of regional destabilisation.” Douste-Blazy said that the only solution out of this situation was the withdrawal of multinational forces by 2008 and the restoration of the state of law in Iraq.
An international conference on security in Iraq is scheduled for March 10 in Baghdad, with the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France set to attend along with Iraqi neighbours Syria and Iran.
The First Deputy Premier also met with the French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy. Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem said it was premature to talk about Qatar buying a stake inAirbus parent EADS. Shares in the European aerospace group rose last month after the state-owned Qatar Investment Authority said it was in talks to buy a stake.
“It is indeed premature to talk about it,” Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim said. “We are talking about it in a general manner but not in a specific manner,” he said.
Douste-Blazy also said it was too early to talk about shareholding ties. “But it is clear that those who want to invest, and in particular the friends of Airbus, are completely free to do so on condition that all shareholders agree.”