During the open session yesterday, Al Zahmi said it was wrong to believe that companies violating the Cabinet decision would be penalised only once, irrespective of the number of illegals recruited or sheltered.
The official met about 30 applicants, most of whom were seeking ways to cancel or regularise their status.
Ministry officials are urging sponsors and companies not to employ illegals and also to contact MoL or the Naturalisation and Residency Departments to get the labour cards or visas of workers cancelled or to legalise their status.
Officials of the ministries of Labour and Interior are holding regular meetings to handle various issues related to amnesty. “We are concentrating on awareness campaigns during inspection visits to the companies in the capital and across the country,” said Al Zahmi.
The MoL will facilitate ways and means to expedite formalities for illegals who go to the ministry for cancellation, exit or settlement of their disputes.